Eva G. Farris Art Gallery
Thomas More College
Art of Jewelry making: An exhibition of Fine Jewelry
October 23rd – November 14, 2009
PLEASE NOTE: Thomas More College is an institutional gallery. We will have available a price list and artists can place their cards on the table so any buyers can contact the artist directly. Also works accepted must have a stated value for insurance purposes.
Deadline: September 29, 2009
Entry Checklist:
__ Current Resume
__ Self-addressed stamped envelope (optional if no need to return materials)
__ Digital images formatted as directed
September 28 Deadline for entry
September 29- Oct.2 Jury of Artwork
October 3 Notifications sent by email
October 15 Artwork due to Gallery
October 23 Opening reception
November 14 Final day of Exhibition
November 21 & 22 Pick-up/ship artwork
An exploration into the Art of Hand-Crafted ART Jewelry and Small Metal smith work
Eligibility: Open to submissions by all. Professionals as well as students are encouraged to enter.
Media: Open to all traditional and non-traditional artistic handcrafted jewelry and small metal smith artwork.
Selection Process: A jury of professionals and/or academics will evaluate and chose the artwork to be included in the exhibition.
Delivery and Return of Work: All work accepted for the exhibition must arrive ready to install. Works not gallery-ready, or not exhibiting good craftsmanship, may be omitted from the exhibit. Accepted work that differs significantly from the entry images or suffers from poor presentation will be disqualified. Work may be hand delivered or shipped. Shipped works must be sent in an easily reusable container/packaging with return shipping prepaid. Works will be returned in the same manner as delivered or via UPS/USPS. All work must arrive at Thomas More College by the specified date (see deadlines in prospectus). Accepted work will remain on display for the duration of the exhibition.
Thomas More College
Eva G. Farris Art Gallery
333 Thomas More Parkway
Crestview Hills, KY 41017
Images: In an effort to conserve resources Thomas More College accepts digital images for consideration.
Digital Format: Digital images can be submitted on CD or by e-mail (Jennifer.feld@thomasmore.edu or jenniferfeld@hotmail.com). The email submission process is HIGHLY PREFERRED because it makes our process more efficient and saves postage and materials for the artists. Hi-Res, print-quality images will be requested for accepted works upon conclusion of the jury process.
To send via email: The email should include the artist's full name in the Subject along with ‘Jewelry Show' . The images must meet the following specifications To send on CD/DVD: Clearly label the disc with the artist's full name. File specifications for CD submission: See e-mail specs. above.
If sending through the USPS, mail materials to: Eva G. Farris Gallery ATTN: Jennifer Feld 333 Thomas More Pkwy Crestview Hills, KY 41017
Opening Reception
To be held Friday, October 23rd. Participating artists are encouraged to attend. Food and beverages will be served.
For questions contact Jennifer Feld at 513-460-1844 or Jennifer.feld@thomasmore.edu / jenniferfeld@hotmail.com.