Thursday, January 14, 2010

“And White Was The Night”

"The Audacity of Chaos", 11" x 14", Ink & Acrylic on Paper, 2010.

My contribution to the show was created by using the Direct Drawing printmaking method and acrylic paint. The multi-layered result represents the chaotic state in which the film's two main characters find themselves and the path each has chosen to pursue in order to have a better life outside the tangelings of the underground.

you can visit my website for more info about my work:

-Jennifer Barnett- Hensel

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Printing

The first printing session was an utter failure.
I spent the next day re-carving and stayed home instead of going to the printshop. There, I hand pressed the image by using the back of a wooden spoon. Eventually, a fairly good print emerged from the pressure!
As you can see, I do a lot of my work on the floor. I even sit on the rug when I watch tv! My Boyfriend, who is also an artist, took this strange photo of me while I was working.

Here is the initial sketch and beginnings of my carving, which is based upon the Vitaly Leading the Way film still.

My sketches usually end up changing somewhat during the carving process as I make new decisions about the work.